
A lightweight, markdownish markup language for generating HTML.

Version 3.1.0

Block Syntax


A paragraph is a group of adjacent lines separated by one or more blank lines:

This is a paragraph. Note that it includes
all adjacent lines of text.

This is a second paragraph.


Headings are indicated by hash symbols. The number of hash symbols indicates the level of the heading.

# H1 Heading

## H2 Heading

Trailing symbols are optional:

### H3 Heading ###

A heading consisting entirely of dashes will be ignored. You can use this feature to create 'boxed' headings:

# --------------- #
#  Boxed Heading  #
# --------------- #


An unordered list can use an asterisk *, dash -, plus-symbol +, or unicode bullet-symbol \u2022 as its list-item marker:

* foo           - foo           + foo           • foo
* bar           - bar           + bar           • bar
* baz           - baz           + baz           • baz

An ordered list uses either integer-period <int>. or hash-period #. as its list-item marker:

1. foo         #. foo
2. bar         #. bar
3. baz         #. baz

Ordered lists are numbered according to their opening integer:

5. This list starts.
6. With list item 5.

List-item markers can be indented by up to three spaces. A list-item consists of its opening line plus all subsequent blank or indented lines:

* This list item is split
  over two lines.

List items can contain nested lists:

* foo
  1. bar
  2. baz
* bam

Note that switching to a different list-item marker will begin a new list, i.e. the following markup will create two separate lists each containing a single item:

- foo
+ bar

Block Lists

Block lists use bracketed list-item markers:

(*) Unordered block list item.

(#) Ordered block list item.

Each list-item in a block list is parsed as a new block-level context and can contain any number of block-level elements, including paragraphs, headings, and nested lists.

(1) This list item contains a paragraph
    and a compact list.

    1. foo
    2. bar

(2) This list item contains two paragraphs.
    This is the first.

    And this is the second.

A list-item consists of its opening line plus all subsequent blank or indented lines.

Definition Lists

Syntext supports definition lists with terms enclosed in double braces:

[[  Term 1  ]]

    This is the definition of the first term.

[[  Term 2  ]]

    This is the definition of the second term.

A term's definition consists of all subsequent blank or indented lines and can contain any number of block-level elements.

Code Blocks

A block of text indented by one tab or four spaces is treated as a code block and wrapped in <pre> tags in the HTML output. The code block can contain blank lines and is ended by the first non-indented line.

This paragraph is followed by a code block.

    <p>Hello world!</p>

HTML in code blocks is automatically escaped. To specify the language, use an explicit code tag.