Two's Complement Cheatsheet

Quick conversion rules.

Binary Positive to Negative

Invert all the bits and add one:

0101    =>    5

+  1
1011    =>   -5

Binary Negative to Positive

Invert all the bits and add one:

1011    =>   -5

+  1
0101    =>    5

Binary Negative to Decimal

Consider the highest-order bit as having a negative weight and all other bits as having a positive weight:

1011    =>   -1*2^3 + 0*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0

        =>   -8 + 0 + 2 + 1

        =>   -5

Unsigned Complements

Thinking in terms of unsigned n-bit integers, the two's complement of x is always given by 2^n - x. For example, for 4-bit numbers:

2^4 - 5    =    16 - 5    =    11    [1011]

2^4 - 11   =    16 - 11   =     5    [0101]

In a 4-bit world the two's complement of 5 is 11 and the two's complement of 11 is 5. A number and its complement always sum to 2^n.


An n-bit two's complement integer can represent the range from –2n-1 to 2n-1 – 1. For example, a 3-bit two's complement integer can represent the range from –22 to 22 – 1, i.e. from –4 to 3, as illustrated below:

Two's complement number wheel.

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