RFC 3339 Timestamps

The RFC 3339 timestamp format is defined here.


The timestamp must include the full date and time measured to at least second-accuracy, plus a local offset from UTC, e.g.


Here the terminating Z indicates a zero offset from UTC – it's equivalent to +00:00.

The T can be replaced by a space for readability, e.g.

2024-03-23 13:59:30Z

Seconds can be expressed to fractional accuracy, e.g. to millisecond or microsecond accuracy:

2024-03-23 13:59:30.123Z
2024-03-23 13:59:30.123456Z


The local offset from UTC can be expressed in hours and minutes, e.g.

2024-03-23 13:59:30+02:00

The offset is calculated as follows:

offset = local_time - utc_time

So, to convert from local time to UTC:

utc_time = local_time - offset

The following timestamps indicate the same instant in time:

2024-03-23 13:59:30+02:00
2024-03-23 11:59:30+00:00
2024-03-23 11:59:30Z

An offset can be negative, e.g. the following timestamps indicate the same instant in time:

2024-03-23 13:59:30-02:00
2024-03-23 15:59:30+00:00
2024-03-23 15:59:30Z