Darren Mulholland

This site mostly consists of documentation for various open-source software projects I've written over the years. You can find a full list of these projects here.

My latest project is Pyro, a dynamically-typed scripting language. Think Python if Guido had been a fan of lexical-scoping, curly braces, and semicolons.

There's also an infrequently-updated blog and a collection of notes, mostly reminders to self.

I have an old-fashioned links page so I know where to look when I'm trying to recommend a book or article to someone and I can't remember its name.

You can find my open-source code on Github, and there's a contact page here if you need to get in touch.

This website was built using Ark, an open-source static site generator (SSG) written in Python.

Ark is simple, elegant, and unexpectedly flexible. I originally designed it as a tool for building project documentation and personal websites like this one, but I've been surprised by the complex websites people have built with it.

Ark was also the first real software "product" I built back when I was learning programming, so it has a special place in my heart. To a first approximation, this site exists simply as an excuse for me to play with it :)