
A dynamically-typed, garbage-collected scripting language.

Version 0.19.4


This module contains mathematical functions.


abs(x: i64|f64) -> i64|f64

Returns the absolute value of x. The output type is the same as the input type.

Panics if the argument is an i64 with value i64_min (i.e. the most negative i64 integer) as the result cannot be represented as an i64 value.

acos(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the arc cosine of x in radians.

asin(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the arc sine of x in radians.

atan(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the arc tangent of x in radians.

atan2(y: i64|f64, x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the arc tangent of y/x in radians as an f64 using the signs of the arguments to determine the correct quadrant.

cbrt(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the cubic root of x.

ceil(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the lowest integer value greater than or equal to x as a float.

cos(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the cosine of x, where x is in radians.

exp(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns e to the power of x.

floor(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the highest integer value less than or equal to x as a float.

floor_div(numerator: i64, denominator: i64) -> (i64, i64)

Computes the quotient and remainder of the floored-integer division numerator/denominator. In floored-integer division, the quotient is rounded toward negative infinity.

Returns the result as a two-item (quotient, remainder) tuple. The result satisfies the condition:

assert quotient * denominator + remainder == numerator;

Panics if the denominator is zero.

This function returns the same remainder as the mod operator.

ln(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the natural logarithm (i.e. the base-e logarithm) of x.

log(b: i64|f64, x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the base b logarithm of x.

log2(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the base-2 logarithm of x.

log10(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the base-10 logarithm of x.

modulo(x: i64, y: i64) -> i64

Returns the result of the integer operation x modulo y.

Panics if y is zero.

sin(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the sine of x, where x is in radians.

sqrt(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the square root of x.

tan(x: i64|f64) -> f64

Returns the tangent of x, where x is in radians.

trunc_div(numerator: i64, denominator: i64) -> (i64, i64)

Computes the quotient and remainder of the truncated-integer division numerator/denominator. In truncated-integer division, the quotient is rounded toward zero.

Returns the result as a two-item (quotient, remainder) tuple. The result satisfies the condition:

assert quotient * denominator + remainder == numerator;

Panics if the denominator is zero.

This function returns the same quotient as the // operator and the same remainder as the rem operator.