
A dynamically-typed, garbage-collected scripting language.

Version 0.19.4


e: f64

Euler's constant to the maximum accuracy limit of a 64-bit IEEE 754 float.

i8_max: i64

The maximum value of a signed two's-complement 8-bit integer, i.e. (2^7) - 1 or 127.

i8_min: i64

The minimum value of a signed two's-complement 8-bit integer, i.e. -(2^7) or -128.

i16_max: i64

The maximum value of a signed two's-complement 16-bit integer, i.e. (2^15) - 1 or 32_767.

i16_min: i64

The minimum value of a signed two's-complement 16-bit integer, i.e. -(2^15) or -32_768.

i32_max: i64

The maximum value of a signed two's-complement 32-bit integer, i.e. (2^31) - 1 or 2_147_483_647.

i32_min: i64

The minimum value of a signed two's-complement 32-bit integer, i.e. -(2^31) or -2_147_483_648.

i64_max: i64

The maximum value of a signed two's-complement 64-bit integer, i.e. (2^63) - 1 or 9_223_372_036_854_775_807.

i64_min: i64

The minimum value of a signed two's-complement 64-bit integer, i.e. -(2^63) or -9_223_372_036_854_775_808.

inf: f64

Floating-point positive infinity.

nan: f64

Floating-point NaN (Not-A-Number).

pi: f64

The constant pi to the maximum accuracy limit of a 64-bit IEEE 754 float.

tau: f64

The constant tau, i.e. pi * 2, to the maximum accuracy limit of a 64-bit IEEE 754 float.

u8_max: i64

The maximum value of an unsigned 8-bit integer, i.e. (2^8) - 1 or 255.

u16_max: i64

The maximum value of an unsigned 16-bit integer, i.e. (2^16) - 1 or 65_535.

u32_max: i64

The maximum value of an unsigned 32-bit integer, i.e. (2^32) - 1 or 4_294_967_295.


There is no u64_max constant because its value — (2^64) - 1 or 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 — would be too big to fit into Pyro's i64 integer type.