
A dynamically-typed, garbage-collected scripting language.

Version 0.19.4

Conditional Scoped Variables

Pyro supports conditional-scoped variable declarations inside if statements, e.g.

if var value = get_value(); value != null {
    echo "value: ${value}";

Here, value is a new local variable valid inside the scope of the if statement, including any else if or else clauses, e.g.

if var value = get_number(); value > 1000 {
    echo "very big number: ${value}";
} else if value > 100 {
    echo "big number: ${value}";
} else {
    echo "small number: ${value}";


The syntax is:

if [let|var] <variable-declaration>; <expression> {

The code inside the if block will be executed if <expression> is truthy.


You can use variable-unpacking syntax inside an if statement, e.g.

if var (x, y) = get_location(); x == 1 && y == 2 {
    echo "correct location";

Here, x and y are new local variables valid inside the scope of the if statement, including any else if or else clauses.