
A dynamically-typed, garbage-collected scripting language.

Version 0.19.4


A module object, module, is created when you import a Pyro source file using an import statement, e.g.

import std::math;
assert $is_module(math);

A module object can also be created by executing a string of source code using the $exec() function, e.g.

var mod = $exec("pub var foo = 1 + 2;");
assert $is_module(mod);
assert mod::foo == 3;

A module contains members — its global variables, functions, and classes — which can be accessed using the member operator, ::.

A module object also has methods of its own, which can be accessed using the method operator, :, e.g.

assert mod:has_member("foo");
assert mod:member("foo") == 3;

var globals = mod:globals();
assert globals["foo"] == 3;

You can learn more about importing modules here.


:all_members() -> iter[str]

Returns an iterator over the module's member names as strings. Includes both public and private members.

:globals() -> map[str, any]

Returns a new map containing a copy of the module's public members, indexed by name.

:has_member(name: str) -> bool

Returns true if the module contains a member named name, otherwise false.

The member can be public or private.

:member(name: str) -> any

Returns the value of the member name, or an err if name is not defined.

Allows access to both public and private members.

:members() -> iter[str]

Returns an iterator over the module's public member names as strings.