
A scripting language for people who enjoy the simpler things in life.

Version 0.9.35

Loop Closures

Pyro has three different kinds of loops, and the loop variables behave differently in each case.

C-Style Loops

A C-style loop has a single loop variable that's shared by every iteration of the loop, e.g.

var closures = [];

loop var i = 0; i < 3; i += 1 {
    closures:append(def() {
        return i;

assert closures[0]() == 3;
assert closures[1]() == 3;
assert closures[2]() == 3;

Each closure is capturing the same i variable.

For-In Loops

Each iteration of a for-in loop has its own independent loop variable that can be independently captured, e.g.

var closures = [];

for i in $range(3) {
    closures:append(def() {
        return i;

assert closures[0]() == 0;
assert closures[1]() == 1;
assert closures[2]() == 2;

Each closure is capturing a different i variable.

While Loops

while loops don't support variable declarations, so there's no scope for ambiguity, e.g.

var closures = [];
var i = 0;

while i < 3 {
    closures:append(def() {
        return i;
    i += 1;

assert closures[0]() == 3;
assert closures[1]() == 3;
assert closures[2]() == 3;

Each closure is capturing the same i variable.


This distinction sounds complicated when stated explicitly but in practice it should be intuitive. It's designed to conform with programmers' intuitions of how loop-variables should behave.