
A scripting language for people who enjoy the simpler things in life.

Version 0.9.35


A tuple, tup, is an immutable array of values.

$tup() -> tup
$tup(arg1: any, arg2: any, ...) -> tup

Creates a new tup object. The arguments provide the tuple's values.

Note that trailing commas are allowed in function calls, e.g

var tup = $tup(

assert tup == $tup("foo", "bar", "baz");


Tuples compare as equal using the == operator if they have the same length and their elements are equal, e.g.

var foo = $tup("foo", 123);
var bar = $tup("foo", 123);
assert foo == bar;


You can compare tuples using the comparison operators, <, <=, >, >=, e.g.

assert $tup(1, 2, 3) < $tup(1, 2, 4);

Tuples are compared lexicographically by element. A comparison will panic if the elements are not comparable.


You can index into a tuple to get (but not set) entries, e.g.

var tup = $tup("foo", "bar");
assert tup[0] == "foo";
assert tup[1] == "bar";

Indices are zero-based. Indexing is equivalent to using the tuple's :get() method, e.g.

var tup = $tup("foo", "bar");
assert tup:get(0) == "foo";
assert tup:get(1) == "bar";


Tuples are iterable, e.g.

for item in $tup(123, 456, 789) {
    echo item;


You can check if a tuple contains an item using the in operator, e.g.

if 123 in $tup(123, 456, 789) {
    echo "found";

This is equivalent to calling the tuple's :contains() method.


:contains(value: any) -> bool

Returns true if the tuple contains an item equal to value, otherwise false.

:count() -> i64

Returns the number of items in the tuple.

:get(index: i64) -> any

Returns the value at index. Will panic if index is out of range or not an integer.

:iter() -> iter

Returns an iter object wrapping the tuple.

:slice(start_index: i64) -> tup
:slice(start_index: i64, length: i64) -> tup

Copies a slice of the source tuple and returns it as a new tuple.

If start_index is negative, counts backwards from the end of the tuple — i.e. a start_index of -1 refers to to the last item in the tuple.

If length is omitted, copies to the end of the source tuple.

Panics if either argument is out of range.